UI Event Loop#

The UI is just an event loop. Firstly, it goes through the initialization phase, then enters the main event loop, processing user input and rendering the interactive UI. If it raises any errors and capture_error is set to True, it will enter the debug loop and wait for the user to correct the input. Afterward, it returns to the main event loop.

Initialization phase: When the app is launched for the first time, it displays the line editor and some “hello” items. Then it runs the handler function to retrieve the items and update the dropdown menu.

Main event loop: It processes user input and then renders the UI.

Debug loop: It creates a debug item and renders the UI, then returns to the main event loop, waiting for user input.”

Flow Chart#

The flow chart below shows the UI event loop.

ui-event-loop-ui event loop

Process Input#

Process the keyboard event, update the in-memory data of LineEditor and Dropdown. So the following print_query and print_items can render the UI correctly.

See also


Run Handler#

Run the handler function. Figure out the corresponding items about to be rendered in the UI.

See also


Move to the End#

Move the cursor to the next line of the end of the dropdown menu. Prepare to re-render (clear existing and render new) the UI.

Before, | is the cursor in the user input dialog:

(Query): beau| # <-- cursor is here
[x] Beautiful is better than ugly.
      subtitle 01: https://www.google.com
[ ] Explicit is better than implicit.
      subtitle 02: https://www.google.com
[ ] Simple is better than complex.
      subtitle 03: https://www.google.com
[ ] Complex is better than complicated.
      subtitle 04: https://www.google.com
[ ] Flat is better than nested.
      subtitle 05: https://www.google.com

After, the cursor is at begin of the line below the last item:

(Query): beau
[x] Beautiful is better than ugly.
      subtitle 01: https://www.google.com
[ ] Explicit is better than implicit.
      subtitle 02: https://www.google.com
[ ] Simple is better than complex.
      subtitle 03: https://www.google.com
[ ] Complex is better than complicated.
      subtitle 04: https://www.google.com
[ ] Flat is better than nested.
      subtitle 05: https://www.google.com
| # <-- cursor is here

See also


Clear Items#

Clear the item dropdown menu.


(Query): beau
[x] Beautiful is better than ugly.
      subtitle 01: https://www.google.com
[ ] Explicit is better than implicit.
      subtitle 02: https://www.google.com
[ ] Simple is better than complex.
      subtitle 03: https://www.google.com
[ ] Complex is better than complicated.
      subtitle 04: https://www.google.com
[ ] Flat is better than nested.
      subtitle 05: https://www.google.com
| # <-- cursor is here


(Query): beau
| # <-- cursor is here

See also


Clear Query#

Clear the (Query): {user_query} line.


(Query): beau| # <-- cursor is here
[x] Beautiful is better than ugly.
      subtitle 01: https://www.google.com
[ ] Explicit is better than implicit.
      subtitle 02: https://www.google.com
[ ] Simple is better than complex.
      subtitle 03: https://www.google.com
[ ] Complex is better than complicated.
      subtitle 04: https://www.google.com
[ ] Flat is better than nested.
      subtitle 05: https://www.google.com


| # <-- cursor is here
[x] Beautiful is better than ugly.
      subtitle 01: https://www.google.com
[ ] Explicit is better than implicit.
      subtitle 02: https://www.google.com
[ ] Simple is better than complex.
      subtitle 03: https://www.google.com
[ ] Complex is better than complicated.
      subtitle 04: https://www.google.com
[ ] Flat is better than nested.
      subtitle 05: https://www.google.com

See also
